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Friday, February 23, 2007

What "Google Level" are you?

In case you haven't noticed, Google seems is gradually taking over the Internet. Therefore, if you're not with Google, you're falling behind the times. Also, the company has managed to garner an almost religious following and commitment to its products.

Many people think of Google as just search, but in reality they offer many many more services. I've noticed that people adopt certain sets of Google services in waves (i.e. you spend a few days "discovering" a certain set of Google's offerings).

People start by learning a certain "set" of products, then wait for a while, then eventually, they will learn another set of products. These products have a natural grouping, and there is a natural progression to learning and using them.

What "Google level" are you?

1. Seeker
You've just discovered the Internet. You are probably pretty old if these are the only features you know about.
  • Search, images
2. Dabbler
You have experimented and had fun with some of Google's most accessible offerings.

  • News, Maps, Earth, Finance, Scholar, Picassa
3. Disciple
As you use Google you have started discovering some very nifty, useful and fun features. It has started changing the way you work on the computer and on the Internet.

  • gMail, Blogger, Personalized home page, Desktop
  • Nifty search bar tricks
  • FireFox (not actually Google... but usually goes hand in hand with Google)
4. Committed
gle is at the center of all your online activities. Even if there are better services available for some things, you are likely to use the Google version anyways... because it's Google.
  • Calendar, Talk
  • Reader, Web Alerts, News Alerts
  • Page Creator, Groups,Notebook
  • Web Accelerator, Google extensions for Firefox
5. Monk
You and Google are one. You don't need a personal hard drive anymore, your entire life is online
. You probably work on multiple computers and can reformat your computer on a whim.
  • Docs & Spreadsheets
  • Google Apps for your domain
6. Evangelist
You believe and promote Google, and try to make more Googlers. You actively participate and contribute to the Google community.
  • gBase, API programming, Google 3D, Code Search

Also of note...

This category of tools doesn't really fall into the ordered list. You may use them anywhere along the continuum, but you may not be using these even at the highest levels of Google enlightenment.

  • Orkut, Music trends, Transit, SMS, Search by location


Richard Siemens said...

I'd be a 3.5. I consistently use:
* gMail
* Blogger
* Picassa
* Desktop
* Reader
* Groups

If you search Google a lot and you are not already using Google Suggest, you have to give it a try. Auto-complete for your web search (oh so very AJAXy). It's my homepage everywhere.

Laura B said...

I think I'd be about a 3....

I've learned to really have fun with Picasa, and I'm using blogger and gmail on a regular basis. I'm also using Firefox all the time, especially since Tim took Internet Explorer icons off my "desktop". :P

What about you Tim? What level would you be?? I'd say you're probably pushing level 5?

Anonymous said...

Well Tim, I hate to admit that I'm old or that I don't know too much about "some things", but if I'm honest I would say I'm probably a 1 at best :) Oh well, at least I'm trying to learn :) Have a great day....luv Linda