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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The merit of a cat

Well, my girlfriend asked me to write about "the merit of a cat". So, here goes my best shot. Let it be known that I am not a "cat person". So, I don't have the same "appreciation" that some do. So here is the merit of a cat, from my perspective.
  • Cat's merit being not as fun as dogs. They're like... The high-maintenance teeny-boppers with ten mirrors in their room. Dogs on the other hand, are like the class clown, always ready to entertain.

  • Cat's merit being thrown off low roofs by young children. Sorry, it had to be said.

  • Cat's merit cleaning a house of mice.

  • Cat's merit being good source material for the "Puss'n'Boots" character in Shrek 2 (coughing up hairballs, licking themselves, "kitty kat eyes")

  • Cats merit being cool, as in "Cool Kat", but it has to begin with K, not C. I guess that makes "Kit Kat" bars cool by default. But it is kind of a self proclaimed coolness... I'm not sure if its "real coolness".

  • Cat's do merit making kind of a cool purring effect... when they decide to sneak into your room and sleep on your head.
There you have it, "the merit of a cat". Comments are welcome. :)


Anonymous said...

Just because a cat isn't at the beck and call of humans doesn't mean they aren't as fun as dogs. They're just independent. They can still be affectionate and playful, you just have to understand that there is a difference between cats and dogs. They aren't the same animal, so really, you shouldn't be comparing them. :P

(Guess who...) :)

Tim Berezny said...

Thanks for your comment, mystery reader! However, you will note that only point number 1 relates to dogs, and states specifically why I prefer dogs to cats. There were 5 points in total, therefore, you statement is only 4/5ths valid.

Tim Berezny said...

My math is a little off... the previous comment should read:

Your statement is only 1/5ths valid.